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They are related to the body of the local artisans


Heritage reconstruction contract to participate in the local and even disappear in originality they said. They are related to the body of the local artisans trained by preparing the property for himself and demanded the reconstruction of the related bodies. Kasthamandapa reconstruction campaign Sunday in the capital on Wednesday, the group interaction sansad Bhimsen, raamaveer MANANDHAR, dhyanagovinda Ranjit, Lumbini University Vice-Chancellor Naresh Bajracharya, archaeologist Dr. Amatya success is not the Department of Archaeology, among others reconstruction contracts, national reconstruction and urged the authorities concerned are pradhikaranalagayata.
They are related to the body of the local artisans They are related to the body of the local artisans Reviewed by rishi dumre on November 24, 2016 Rating: 5