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Take after the beneath to figure out how to place them legitimately.


Cushions and pantiliners are straightforward and simple to utilize. Take after the means beneath to figure out how to place them legitimately.

1. Expel the Wrapper

With neatly washed hands, expel the cushion or pantiliner from the wrapper. Spare the wrapper — you will require this for arranging the utilized cushion later.

2. Expel the Backing

The sponsorship of your cushion will regularly be a long bit of paper that covers the sticky back of the cushion. Now and then the wrapper serves as the sponsorship.

3. Put the Pad

Focus the sticky side of the cushion in the lower a portion of your undies — the range that goes between your legs. Make sure not to put it too far to the back or front. In the event that your cushion or pantiliner has wings, expel the support (if fundamental) and wrap them around the underside of your undies.
Take after the beneath to figure out how to place them legitimately. Take after the beneath to figure out how to place them legitimately. Reviewed by rishi dumre on November 05, 2016 Rating: 5