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See, this is the new president of the United States a comfortable home in Trump.


The newly elected US rayatrapati Donald Trump is known for cutting-edge functional lifestyle.

3 President Trump Real Estate are great businessman. He is the owner of billions of assets and is now the owner of a hundred more companies. Many luxury houses in Florida and California, their most special home to kill-a-Lago. 17 ekadama spread to the house, 1 hundred and 26 rooms.

9 In 1 9 27 1 9 85 In trampale made in this ivory had bought. He used the house as a personal and professional damnation. Trampale the same house primarija won three state had given a talk. It is the private club house and spa are which cost about 20 million dollars. Trump keeps 1.5 million dollars a year is beneficial.

According to Forbes, about 10 to 24 thousand million Trump property is around. He was a rich person does in the United States including 156 th place. Motorcycle plating of gold is marked him. Not only so, the private helicopter for his gold-plating is.

12 Trump says that he not drink, but these bottles are filled him bhodkale which is made of pure 24-caret gold.
Trampale 70 million dollars for his S -76 helicopter have heard it used trampako her penthouse in New York City hot myanahattanasthita price is more than Rs 650 crore. Trump said the penthouse is hirajadita gold candles are placed when the letter marked. The paint decorating her house for 24 caret gold has been used in many places.

15 In addition, another comfortable home in his "Princess yacht 'in the film are placed teliphonasamma Birjung 2 hundred and 10. Three lift kept her from the house, 1 hundred and 50 hundred million dollars to 2.

16 As well as being a successful businessman Trump is a writer and television personality, who is. Trump is a book 'The Art of the Deal "51 weeks was the most selling book. 18 19 20 111 141 4
See, this is the new president of the United States a comfortable home in Trump. See, this is the new president of the United States a comfortable home in Trump. Reviewed by rishi dumre on November 09, 2016 Rating: 5