We are small in size located between two large very fast chausanai our asthitva surgeon, self, and we bisvamai desako geographic gesture of great natural source of hot chauhami among Xinhua We saw the same source with the existing des Several impossible in southern simatira by country wants to rob, Us than cahanchahami bend and money, they also develop some very powerful maninchnahamra rajanaitika leaders already have power for good or to avail themselves of the same power that had their asylum country, and very fast natural srotasadhaharu opposite interests, kaudiko sold cheaply we are all aware of. the people that work in our interest to fill up vacancies yet employed them with tools making doors and chimekile desako pillars and their joint venture, merger pose impossible in the existence of our desako Trevorrow himself, of course it is wrong that we nepalilai not acceptable.