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If you eat a cigarette if the lungs must be bad. However, domestic law


Smoking is not only a problem of other people also hunegardacha lung. If you eat a cigarette if the lungs must be bad. However, domestic law can be used to clean their lungs by 72 hours. Before you begin this process dairy foods keep your food away. This is very important for dairy products causes of lung throw out the toxic elements of the body must be difficult.

Credo domestic method to use
1. This method has contributed to sleep before the first day of herbal tea made foods. This tea can cause stomach and constipation were made to destroy the toxic elements are so easy to work his lungs.

2. The second day of the two lemon in hot water and eat lunch khanupurva. Eat pineapple or grape juice and 300 ml. Because it is natural entiaksidenta that helps the respiratory system.
If you eat a cigarette if the lungs must be bad. However, domestic law  If you eat a cigarette if the lungs must be bad. However, domestic law Reviewed by rishi dumre on November 09, 2016 Rating: 5